Although today might have been the final day of activities, camp has never seemed more busy and alive! It began with a surprise prank pulled off by the cabin sof Bum’s Rest and Camelot, a prank which turned breakfast in the Dining Hall into a visit to the north Pole for Christmas! After I helped clean all of the tinsel and paper snowflakes out, I took a visit to the docs just in time to see a camper pass Es (the first level of kayaking) and then a trip to the barn to encourage the two campers who took the Horsemaster exam at rest hour. Next up was all-day Mountaineering Mania, complete with Gungarunga Frisbee and games of all sorts. There were two trips out of camp today as well; the two day climb was wrapping up their second day of adventure and the Boating Staff went on the Tuck Gorge with a group of eager kayakers.
Before lunch, I wandered down to the Nature Nook and met Oscar the opossum and Luna the owl who came to visit the Farm and Garden classes. We all had a pleasant conversation while the campers were learning about the ecosystem of western North Carolina. After all the hustle and bustle of the morning and a hearty lunch, I took a long, long nap and awoke just as the Art Show was about to begin! We sure do have some talented artists at camp.
Tonight was Closing Campfire and my favorite part of each session, the receiving of the Merrie-Woode bracelets. As we all know, a Merrie-Woode bracelet is given to a camper after she has been at camp for quite some time. During the ceremony I always find myself wondering how many memories and experiences these girls must have combined, and how many more memories will be made and experiences will be shared in years to come.
For now goodnight, but never goodbye,
The post Remember, Remember, Even in September appeared first on Camp Merrie-Woode | NC Girls Summer Camp.